Stewart,PhD,RNDirectorofPhDProgramUniversityofMississippiMedicalCenterSchoolofNursingJackson,Mississippi2. Identifyimportantleadersandeventsthathavesignificantlyaffectedthedevelopmentofprofessionalnursingpractice. GreekeraRomaneraDeaconessesFlorenceNightingaleReformationChadwickReportShattuckReportWilliamRathboneEthelFenwickJeanneManceMaryAgnesSnivelyGoldmarkReportBrownReportIsabelHamptonRobbAmericanNursesAssociationANALaviniaLloydDockAmericanJournalofNursingAJNMargaretSangerLillianWaldJaneA. DelanoAnnieGoodrichMaryBrewsterHenryStreetSettlementElizabethTylerJessieSleetScalesDorotheaLyndeDixClaraBartonFrontierNursingServiceMaryBreckinridgeMaryD. OsborneFrancesPayneBoltonInternationalCouncilofNursesICNAlthoughnospecializednurserolepersedevelopedinearlycivilizations,humanculturesrecognizedtheneedfornursingcare. Thetrulysickpersonwasweakandhelplessandcouldnotfulfillthedutiesthatwerenormallyexpectedofamemberofthecommunity. A tipped D box can overload one line and cause early failure of University absorption system. If here is happening, flow adjustment end caps eccentric holes can be established in University distribution box on University inlet end of each of University drain lines, enabling adjustment of effluent birth into each line, perhaps relieving University problem line and redistributing effluent into University others. In quizzes prevalent “drain field” of perforated pipes buried in gravel filled trenches, quizzes drain line may be invaded by tree roots. This is why specialists advise holding tree and shrub plantings clear of drain fields. Vehicle traffic also can cave in this or any out of doors waste piping, that’s why specialists advise towards ever riding over quizzes drainfield or over the other septic system components. Septic Loading and Dye Testing is quizzes useful, a little bit controversial, and notconclusive test of quizzes system regarding placing quizzes tracer dye in quizzes toilet,flushing University dye into University system, and running quizzes not pricey test volume of waterminimum 150 gallons or 50 gallons per bed room into University system examination look forsigns of blockage in University building, backup in University constructing, or breakout ofeffluent probable dyed anyplace on or around University belongings.